Insulation Korea is committed to the health and safety of all employees and operates HSE policies that define how to avoid accidents, maintain job satisfaction, and ensure a safe and motivated working environment. We recognize that safe, secure and environmentally friendly operations are the key to sustainable business, and we continually strive to improve our HSE performance through constant care. Our goal is to be a
high quality refractory and energy saving company, known and recognized for our ability to consistently deliver a high HSE performance. We believe in incident-free operations and acknowledge that achieving this requires HSE to be an integral part of our business operations. Furthermore, based on our shared values, we recognize that an open, trusting and just culture is fundamental, where new ideas are welcomed and everyone has a role to play and is contributing on HSE issues.
We all have a role to play.
It is the responsibility of management to lead by example.
Achieving our ambition requires commitment from the whole organization and support from the top most management.
- It is the policy of Insulation Korea to conduct its business in a manner that:
- Avoids harm to people
- Protects the environment
- Meets or exceeds all applicable regulatory and contractual requirements, and apply reasonable standards where none of these requirements exist.
- Promotes a high performing HSE culture throughout the organization
- Ensures continual improvement of HSE performance
- In following this policy, Insulation Korea and its subsidiaries will:
- Manage HSE matters as an integrated part of business operations, through the framework for effective HSE management and the setting of appropriate objectives and targets
- Communicate the HSE policy to all employees and other relevant parties
- Ensure the motivation and commitment of all employees through appropriate training, appraisal and recognition